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Youth Skills Development

Skills Matcher

A free tool where you rate your levels on 40 key workplace skills. Based on the results you will be matched with career options that are a good fit.

Skills to Succeed Academy (Accenture)

Free online learning modules to help youth develop employability skills such as resume building, interview preparation, and job search techniques.

Interest Assessment

Explore your interests by answering 30 questions. Learn about careers that might be best for you.

Work Values Matcher

Learn about work values and identify that ones that are most important to you.

LearningExpress Library

Includes GED test prep, job and career accelerator, and tools for youth seeking education, certification, or workforce training.

Metrix Learning

Offers free and low-cost online courses across a variety of topics including employability skills, certifications, and career readiness.

Northstar Digital Literacy

A free assessment and learning tool for essential computer and digital literacy skills. It’s useful for youth who need to improve digital skills for modern careers.


Both platforms offer free courses from top universities on a variety of topics including coding, entrepreneurship, and career readiness.

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